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Boilers Other Spare Parts
Heating element 1500W 30 LT Ariston water...
€29.00Heating element 1500W 30 LT Ariston water heater
The heating element is part of the Ariston water heater spare parts and it can be installed of the following water heaters, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- ANDRIS LUX 30/5 EU 3100538
- ANDRIS LUX ST 30/5 EU 3100713
- ANDRIS RS 30/3 3100635
- ANDRIS RS 30/3 EU 3100339
- ANDRIS RS ST 30/3 EU 3100344
- BLU EVO R 30/3 EC EU 3100869
- BLU EVO R 30/3 EU 3100321
- CHX 30 EU 3100386
- CHX 30/2 EU 3100385
- DUNE RS 15 1,5K PL EU 3100854
- DUNE RS 15U 1,5K PL EU 3100855
- DUNE RS 30 1,5K PL EU 3100856
- FAIS 30/2 EU 3100409
- FAIS 30/5 EU 3100410
- PERLA 30/2 EU 3100478
- PERLA 30/5 EU 3100479
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your water heater to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Knob kit + adapters Unical boiler Alkon09,...
€13.00Knob kit + adapters Unical boiler
The kit is part of the Unical boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- Alkon09 C18
- Alkon09 C24
- Alkon09 R18
- Alkon09 R24
- Eve05 CTF 24 AF
- Eve05 CTN 24 AF
- Eve05 CS 26
- Eve05 CS 26 Plus
- X24
- X32
- X+24
- X+35
- XK
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Heating element 1200 W 220-240 V Ariston water...
€35.00Heating element 1200 W 220-240 V Ariston water heater
The heating element is part of the Ariston water heater spare parts and it can be installed of the following water heaters, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- BLUKER 50 V 3200549
- BLUKER 50 V EU 3201014
- BLUKER 80 V 3200550
- BLUKER 80 V EU 3201015
- CHX 50 R 869993
- CHX 50 R EU 3200881
- CHX 50 R PL 875235
- CHX 50/2 3200265
- CHX 50/2 EU 3200948
- CHX 80 R 869994
- CHX 80 R EU 3200882
- CHX 80/2 3200266
- CHX 80/2 EU 3200949
- FAIS 50 V/2 3200185
- FAIS 50 V/2 EU 3200932
- FAIS 50 V/5 3200191
- FAIS 50 V/5 EU 3200938
- FAIS 80 V/2 3200186
- FAIS 80 V/2 EU 3200933
- FAIS 80 V/5 3200192
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your water heater to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Anode D:22 L:395 M5 Ariston water heater Nuos...
€18.30Anode D:22 L:395 M5 Ariston water heater
The anode is part of the Ariston water heater spare parts and it can be installed of the following water heaters, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- NUOS EVO 80 3603543
- NUOS EVO 80 WH 3623240
- NUOS PRIMO 100 3623239
- NUOS PRIMO 100 3629007
- NUOS PRIMO 80 3623238
- NUOS PRIMO 80 3629006
- NUOS SPLIT TANK 100 WH 3603534
- NUOS SPLIT TANK 110 WH 3603535
- NUOS SPLIT TANK 110 WH 3623245
- NUOS SPLIT TANK 80 WH 3603533
- NUOS SPLIT TANK 80 WH 3623244
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your water heater to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Anode D21,3 L110 M5 Ariston water heater...
€10.30Anode D21,3 L110 M5 Ariston water heater
The anode is part of the Ariston water heater spare parts and it can be installed of the following water heaters, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- ARIANEXT FSP 1Z 3310237
- ARIANEXT FSP 2Z 3310248
- ARIANEXT FSP 4050 S 3310496
- ARIANEXT FSP 70 S 3310497
- ARIANEXT FSP 90110 S 3301364
- ARIANEXT FSP M 1Z 3310515
- ARIANEXT FSP M 2Z 3310516
- ARIANEXT FSP-L M 1Z 3301365
- ARIANEXT FSP-R 1Z 3310394
- ARIANEXT FSP-R 2Z 3310395
- BLU 10 R/3 3100221
- BLU 10 ST R/3 3100222
- BLU 15 R/3 3100223
- BLU 15 ST R/3 3100224
- BLU 30 R/3 3100225
- BLU EVO R 10/3 EC EU 3100867
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your water heater to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Heat exchanger gasket Immergas boiler Victrix...
€5.00Heat exchanger gasket Immergas boiler
The gasket is part of the Immergas boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- Victrix 26 KW
- Victrix Exa 24
- Victrix Exa 28
- Victrix Mini 24 KW
- Victrix Mini 28 KW
- Victrix Pro 35
- Victrix Pro 55
- Victrix Superior 32 ERP
- Victrix Tera 24
- Victrix Tera 24 Plus
- Victrix Tera 28
- Victrix Tera VIP
- Victrix Intra 26 KW
- Victrix Intra 26 KW Plus
- Victrix Superior Top 26/32/32 Plus
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Gasket Immergas boiler Hercules Condensing,...
€5.50Gasket Immergas boiler
The gasket is part of the Immergas boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- Hercules Condensing 20/26 ERP/26 KW/27/32 ERP/32 KW
- Victrix 20/50/75/90/100/150
- Victrix Intra 24 KW
- Victrix Pro 80/100/120
- Victrix Superior 26 KW/32 KW
- Victrix Zeus 26 ERP
- Victrix Zeus Superior 26 KW/26 ERP/32 ERP/32 KW
- Various models
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Gasket Immergas boiler Ares Condensing,...
€5.00Gasket Immergas boiler
The gasket is part of the Immergas boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- Ares Condensing 32/50
- Herclues Condensing 20/26 ERP/26 KW/27/32 KW/32 ERP
- Victrix 24 KW/27/50/100
- Victrix Intra 24 KW
- Victrix Superior 26 KW/32 KW
- Victrix Zeus 20/26 KW/26 ERP/27
- Victrix Zeus Superior 26 ERP/26 KW/32 ERP/32 KW
- Various models
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Gasket Ariston boiler Clas Premium, Genus...
€29.00Gasket Ariston boiler
The gasket is part of the Ariston boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- CLAS PREMIUM 24 GPL (IT) 3665049
- CLAS PREMIUM 24 NG (IT) 3665048
- CLAS PREMIUM 24 NG (PI) 3665091
- CLAS PREMIUM 24 NG 3300330
- CLAS PREMIUM 30 GPL (IT) 3665051
- CLAS PREMIUM 30 NG (IT) 3665050
- CLAS PREMIUM 30 NG 3300332
- E-COMBI 24 NG 3300355
- GENUS PREMIUM 24 GPL (IT) 3665059
- GENUS PREMIUM 24 NG (EAA2) 3665039
- GENUS PREMIUM 24 NG 3300324
- GENUS PREMIUM 24 NG IT_A 3665012
- GENUS PREMIUM 30 GPL (IT) 3665060
- GENUS PREMIUM 30 NG (EAA2) 3665040
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Condesate siphon Ariston boiler Aco 27 MFFI,...
€35.00Condesate siphon Ariston boiler
The condensate siphon is part of the Ariston boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- ACO 27 MFFI NG (IT SP PT) 537064
- ACO 27 RFFI NG (IT SP PT) 537066
- ACO 32 MFFI NG (IT SP PT) 3300000
- ACO 32 RFFI NG (IT SP PT) 3300002
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Gas valve fitting Ariston burner AS, BS II,...
€54.00Gas valve fitting Ariston burner
The fitting is part of the Ariston burner spare parts and it can be installed of the following burners, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- AS 24 CF GPL (IT RO PI) 3300186
- AS 24 CF GPL 3300338
- AS 24 CF NG (IT RO PI) 3300185
- AS 24 CF NG 3300337
- AS 24 FF GPL (IT RO PI) 3300184
- AS 24 FF GPL 3300336
- AS 24 FF NG (IT RO PI) 3300183
- AS 24 FF NG 3300335
- AS-BIK 24 FF NG 3300348
- BS 24 CF 3300286
- BS 24 FF 3300285
- BS 24 FF GPL 3300294
- BS II 15 FF 3300419
- BS II 15 FF 3300441
- BS II 24 CF 3300296
- BS II 24 CF NG 3300438
- BS II 24 CF NG EU 3300808
- BS II 24 FF 3300295
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your burner to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Smoke drain fitting Ariston boiler 572382
€51.50Smoke drain fitting Ariston boiler
The fitting is part of the Ariston boiler spare parts and it can be installed of the following boilers, although it may change depending on the specific serial number:
- BASIC 23 MFFI GPL 534127
- BASIC 23 MFFI NG 534126
- CODEX 23 BFFI GPL 534244
- CODEX 23 BFFI NG 534243
- CODEX 27 BFFI GPL 534613
- CODEX 27 BFFI NG 534612
- DIA 20 MFFI CE M 533602
- DIA 20 MFFI GPL 530038
- DIA 20 MFFI GPL CE 533603
- DIA 20 MFFI NG 530037
- DIA 24 MFFI GPL 530040
- DIA 24 MFFI GPL CE 533605
- DIA 24 MFFI NG 530039
- DIA 24 MFFI NG CE 533604
- DIA 27 BFFI CE GPL 530046
- DIA 27 BFFI CE NG 530045
- DIA TANK 27 RFFI GPL CE 534147
In order to avoid the purchase of wrong products, we suggest to send the identification label of your boiler to our customer service via email or whatsapp.
Anodi, Bobine valvola gas, Manopole caldaia, Resistenze per scaldabagni, Termocoppie
Questi componenti fanno parte dei ricambi caldaie e scaldabagni. Essi sono parti integranti dell' impianto riscaldamento o sanitario e contribuiscono al corretto funzionamento del sistema